by | Energy Healing, Self Care & Wellness
Think about the past week– how many times have you experienced stress? If you’re anything like most people, you can probably make a pretty impressive list of stressful moments over the past day, let alone the past week. Maybe your kids are sick, you sat in...
by | Energy Healing, Success Stories
When I was 17 years old, my parents sent me to see my first therapist. They thought that I seemed sad, distant, and they were concerned that I wasn’t processing some of my childhood experiences, namely, my parents’ divorce. I can clearly remember driving my little...
by | Energy Healing, Exercises & Meditations
What is the Pink Full Moon, Anyway? This week, along with Mercury moving into retrograde on Sunday (4/9), on April 11th, we’ll experience the energy of the Pink Full Moon. First, no, the moon won’t actually appear pink (I know, I’m equally as disappointed). Rather,...
by | Energy Healing
If you’re wondering what Dimensional Healing is, you’re probably not alone! Perhaps you’ve seen this service on my website, in an email, or heard about it from a friend or family member who has experienced it for themselves. You may have seen or read about it on other...
by | Energy Healing
This story is a true one– and something I wrote after having fought and won my own battle with clinical depression. When I was diagnosed at 18ish years old. I worked with a variety of counselors and psychiatrists, all who told me that my diagnosis was a permanent one....
by | Energy Healing, Success Stories
A client recently expressed her frustration at the amount of time it seemed to be taking for her ‘issues’ to be truly cleared working with EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, and other energy techniques. In a moment of honesty, she shared with me that, sometimes, she’s not even...