by | Exercises & Meditations, Love & Dating
This morning I went live in my High Vibes Energy Circle and talked about conscious dating and techniques and mindset shifts to release past relationships and lovers. (Seriously though, if you aren’t in on the facebook group love, get there– it’s a lovely community of...
by | Exercises & Meditations, Self Care & Wellness
I struggled with anxiety for most of my life. I can remember being as young as 5 or 6, sitting in kindergarten class, and having what I now recognize as a child-sized panic attack because my teacher had scolded me in front of the class. My mind was racing, even then....
by | Exercises & Meditations
I’ve had so many people come to me in the last few weeks asking what they can do to protect their energy. Some of these people identify as empaths (and if you do too, this post is really important for you!), but even if you don’t identify as being an empath, it can be...
by | Exercises & Meditations, Self Care & Wellness
If you’re working through the 30 Day Self Love Challenge, Day 4 invites you to write a love letter to your least favorite part of yourself– whether that be a part of your body, an illness, a feeling, a past memory or decision, and so on! If you aren’t working through...
by | Self Care & Wellness
Guilt is such a dirty word in the spiritual healing community– it gets a bad rap as “the unnecessary emotion”, limiting, misguided, low-vibe, not a part of our highest and truest selves. And, part of this is true, especially when we’re stuck living in a state of guilt...