by | Love & Dating
The one topic that comes up the most in all of my one-on-one work, group work, and programs is FORGIVENESS. Letting go of old relationships and truly moving on from past lovers, in many cases, requires forgiveness, but we humans have such a difficult time getting...
by | Love & Dating
You met a guy. You hit it off. Things are going great– until out of nowhere, he exits stage left. No explanation. No apparent reason. What now? In this week’s Love Alchemy Session, we talk about WHY guys (and gals) really ghost (*hint* it has NOTHING to do with you or...
by | Exercises & Meditations, Love & Dating
Oh, boundaries. Oft-talked about and seldom understood – boundaries are deeply important in your life and your relationships. With this weekend’s new moon in Virgo urging us to turn inward and focus on ourselves with great love and great honesty, especially on the...
by | Uncategorized
Welcome to the first episode of The Love Alchemy Sessions. I’m bringing you channeled guidance, oracle cards, and energy & meditation exercises to bring more love and more positive vibes into your week. The long and the short of the message this week: You are not...
by | Energy Healing, Self Care & Wellness
Think about the past week– how many times have you experienced stress? If you’re anything like most people, you can probably make a pretty impressive list of stressful moments over the past day, let alone the past week. Maybe your kids are sick, you sat in...